Divine Love is Yours

I realized today that if we’re in this life with not everyone physically here from our soul group, then there are some soul mates who are with you always as souls from the other side. There are soul mates who in another life (or this life and have passed) gave us such divine love that we felt invincible.

And that’s not even touching the fact that once this body isn’t here to separate you from everyone else, you realize that not only are you divine love already but so is everyone else, and we are all so energetically connected in the most personal way.

And so, if you’re looking for divine love and you are wondering why you can’t find it… stop wondering and realize it’s already yours. You are divine love, and you are surrounded by souls who have and will always divinely love you, not to mention your Angels who’s literal job is to guide and love you unconditionally.

So even if in this moment you feel more alone now than ever. You are so incredibly surrounded by love. Just get quiet and allow yourself to feel it.

And when you question your worthiness of it, you just remember it’s always been yours. And when you do your vibration will share to the universe that you are grateful for it, and ready for even more.

How wonderful to know that a soul mate is comforting or celebrating with you right now. I just love that. ❤️

My Akashic Records Revealed

In my last entry I talked about my awakening. It was a massive breakthrough that opened the door to my Akashic Records and I am forever changed. 


My childhood had conditioned me to 2 major life traumas;

1. If you romantically love someone, that will not be validated.

2. It is really difficult to achieve success and people around you don’t expect you to succeed.


For the first time I was shown that love can be validated. The challenge was to trust this to be true and enjoy the ride. Instead, I let the opinions of the outside world, and my fears based on past experience dictate how I handled the love I felt. The more alive the love, the more afraid I felt of it. I was sure the bottom was going to drop. 

So I left him before he could leave me. To protect myself. Which only sent me into a deep depression and yearning for what I had lost. 

He wouldn’t take me back, and now I know why. I didn’t learn my lesson so he wasn’t meant to. I had to feel my love invalidated again in a more intense scale so that I could grow to overcome it.


Instead I became even more guarded and protective of my heart. 

I knew that great love was out there for me now which was an important lesson to learn. And so much of me did lean on that knowing. I dated confidently now. I wasn’t afraid to flirt or meet men. That was a big deal. 

The Universe saw that change in me and sent along my next soulmate.


Deep down my soul knew that this soul was another who would spark the enormous love back into my life. So I kept him at arms length for a very long time, as a protection.

Finally he broke me when he moved to California and I think the safety of him being so far away allowed me to let down my guard knowing that nothing more could come of it then fun flirtation.

We were so intimately connected even though he was so far away. When he planned to come home for Christmas that year we decided to have a romantic couple of days together. It was so perfect, so true, and yet when he left to walk out the door my heart was aching with disbelief that we would never be together. 


A few weeks before my romantic rendezvous with Soulmate 2, I met his Counterpart. 

He was a really nice guy, and we had a lot in common artistically but he wouldn’t kiss me. He wouldn’t connect with me beyond an intellectual level. And while the intellectual level was wonderful, it didn’t fuel my soul. 

When Soulmate 2 left I had a choice. Let go of all fear that love will not catch me and follow him to California – OR – “protect” myself from my emotions and stay in my new job, with the safe Counterpart.

I didn’t pass the test.


Immediately after I was meant to follow Soulmate 2 and decidedly didn’t… my boss became an emotionally abusive asshole. And when I left that boss, I found another one equally abusive. 

My relationship with the Counterpart became dissatisfying quickly. We couldn’t connect, and we were beginning to bud heads.

But still I “protected” myself from heartache by NOT leaving, and deciding to try to “work” on the things that didn’t fit.

The Universe gave me a shit storm in life. I had no friends, I was away from family, I was in an unhappy relationship, and I had lost my passion for photography because of my horrible bosses. 

I had a big lesson to learn and yet I was so blind.


After 5 years with the Counterpart I knew I had to leave. I knew life wasn’t as it should be and at this point the budding heads had become screaming matches.

He wore me down. Promising me change and committing to move back to my home town with me.

Now this is the unique thing about this Counterpart. He is my perfect match for learning my lessons because he is a mirror for the exact lessons I needed to learn. He is very fearful of everything in life and he is extremely self righteous about those fears. He can throw every single ego driven reason to doubt any decision at you, until something resonates with you and you give into it yet again.

We moved to my home town and continued to live a mediocre life filled with doubt and a desire for more. Always fighting, but always blaming our external sources for each issue that came at us. 


When my daughter was conceived I had come into an abrupt awakening.  I had no idea I was pregnant but became overwhelmed with the knowing that the Counterpart and I were not meant to be. I knew I deserved magic. 

I have since learned through Universal signs pointing me to a passage, that told me that my daughter is my Guide. And she came into my life because I was stuck and not getting through my lessons on my own. Literal Divine Intervention.

I know that her being in my womb was her first step in beginning to plant ideas and trigger emotions within me. 

We decided to stay together once I learned I was pregnant. But the desire for more was intense and so my spiritual journey began.

I became obsessed with inspirational books, the Tao de Ching. I wanted to live toxin free and eat cleanly. I was determined to find the pure me again.


My daughter showed me the preciousness of true love. With her I didn’t have to worry about the conditions of her love for me, or mine for her because I knew it was eternal. 

Through her my calling was sparked and I realized that my purpose was to share the celebration of love with the world. To encourage people to remember that we are all love and that is all we ever need to be.

She sparked my passion for Storytelling Photography. Capturing the true essence of relationships and love. 

She sparked my thirst to want to be everything I am meant to be without going back to jobs that didn’t fit that. 

She sparked my thirst for Spirituality and meeting more in my community. Absorbing and learning anything I could. Developing a spiritual daily practice for myself. 

And through all of that my distain for my marriage rose, and my knowing that all isn’t well became clear.


I knew I had to leave the Counterpart, but the fear was still there. I had read and learned so much about the Universe, and I was actively trying to lean and pushing through fears every day. But there was still something within me that didn’t let go of that fear. But that’s the point. We must push through the fear in order to see the truth, that the only thing to fear is fear itself.

He sparked doubt in me yet again when he brought to light my short comings and the fact that I haven’t been a peach to live with either. I became renewed to try one more time. If I improved, then he would improve by association.


After trying to be my best for a few weeks I sank into somewhat of a depression. I was unmotivated and lethargic. 

I was still obsessed with my Spiritual Journey and always learning. 

This was the perfect recipe for my Spiritual Awakening and my key to the Akashic Records. My discontent, mixed with my desire to learn, and my obsession for self reflection led to a breakthrough that can never be undone.


Why do I act horrible with the Counterpart?

Because you’re in pain. You can’t be your best self because you are Denying your pain and therefore it is seeping into every area of your life. The pain needs to come out somehow if you won’t honour it.

So if I’m in pain, because I’m in a dissatifyed marriage, then I will never be my best self until I leave. 


And then it all made sense. And the teenage psychic reading about SOULMATE 2 being my destined husband and that I’d follow him to the US came flooding in. And I saw the lesson I was meant to learn about trusting in love. And I saw how my boss became horrible after that time. And I saw that I couldn’t run from PAIN ANYWAY so the safe route wasn’t safe at all!!

And then I saw that from now on life will be easy. My business is going to boom, I will find another Soulmate, and I will be living my life in a spiral of love forever and eternity.

I see the game. I know the game. Just trust. We make it so hard but it’s so easy. Just trust.

My next post will be about my revelations of the game we are all just pawns playing out. 

Seeing my life from the other side. Officially Awake.

What do you do once you officially awaken?? 

I “woke up” yesterday. It was the most intense moment of my life and I can’t share it with anyone because the world won’t truly understand.

The Universe showed me what’s wrong in my marriage and why it will never be what we wish it would. It also showed me the life I was meant to lead and the exact cross roads where I chose safety instead of my destiny. And now I’m completely transformed while at the same time mourning the beautiful life I lost.

Viewing all this was like being that Spirit at the end of my life looking at what went wrong and how I should have done things differently. Only I’m still in my life, and I can still redirect to my path. But how has that path changed? Is my soul mate destined to come back to me, or has that ship sailed? Is there another soul who will compliment mine? 

I’m so heart broken over this loss, which seems so bizarre in earthly terms because the rest of the world won’t even see that there was a loss. But I learned from Matt Khan yesterday to honour your pain and not to push it away. I think it was the powerful act of doing that that opened me up to the divine guidance I’ve been longing for.

It’s so hard when the rest of the world has no idea of how wrong it’s all gone. And my husband has no idea that we will never “work things out”, because we were never meant to.

I am the Universe


I’m in awe of everything in this moment and I hope I never come down from this awakening. It’s all been burst open thanks to the incredibly insightful and remarkable Matt Khan. (Please YouTube his talks…) I watched 2 videos and my body is exhausted from the intense upleveling that has occurred. 

I get it now. I know who I am. I am connected to who I am. There was this “othering” I was creating, like there was “me” the body, and “me” the higher self. I was the body, and the higher self was unattenable. NOW I realize, I am the higher self confusing myself as the body. And everything that happens to my body in this lifetime are things my body must learn, but I already know the answers. And so I am only here to help guide my body through those lessons as a loving support. What a freeing feeling to realize. 

Suddenly, any pain, any disappointment, any fear, can be acknowledged as the body’s process and I can watch objectively as that is worked through without trying to control it all. 

I am overwhelmed by this feeling of pure gratitude.

Thank you to my Angels and Guides who patiently stand by as I struggled to discover this year after year. Life time after life time.

Thank you to my body for putting up with my need to control everything instead of letting you just be. 

Thank you to the Universe for providing me with all of the right experience I needed to deliver me here, and to deliver me to future realizations.

I am nauseous with connectedness. My crown chakra is wide open and I can feel the energy from the entire world right at this moment. I am the same as you, as spirit, as nature, as the elements… I am the Universe.

Thank you. Let’s do this!

Is it better to be “woke”??

I just watched a video on Facebook about Jim Carey’s recent opening up to the media about his spirituality. I decided to read through the comments and stumbled across this one:

In response to everyone in the comments, I want to continue this conversation & challenge each other. Because that’s how we all grow. I respect all of your perspectives & wan’t to hear more. In my opinion, by stating that you are “woke”, you are claiming that others are not. Therefore, you believe yourself to be beyond them in thought because you believe your way of thinking is “better”. Thus canceling out the whole argument of losing ones “self”. Hitler believed what he was doing was right, from most people’s perspective he was wrong. If we want to turn this way of thinking around on itself, does Hitler have to own up to what he did, or did it “just happen”, because “he does not exist”? Who’s to say he wasn’t enlightened from his own perspective? There’s these ways of thinking that help make “thinking” easier, & theres the reality that we are presently living in where you must force yourself to react & think for yourself. Becoming detached from reality, rather than just thinking for yourself doesn’t do anything besides make the person FEEL “enlightened”. But what does that really mean? How does one function beyond that self-induced state of enlightenment in relation to others in this world? How does it change their actions? Is their new behavior really them, or an act? That’s what I want to understand. Does any of that make sense? I’m open to feedback, this is a great conversation.

I decided to share my response because as I responded I never felt more clear and more sure about my beliefs than ever before and I think that I love his comment for bringing this out of me and for giving me a platform to verbalize how I feel best:

“James Rhymer I feel like when you declare you have woken up, you are simply describing that clarity you feel in the best way you know how. I can see the other side from those who haven’t gone through an awakening to take that word to mean that someone thinks their views are better than others. But those who are awake actually think this least of all. They know that we are all here to learn the lessons meant for us and that some people are living different views of life than others simply because this is where their soul needs to be at this time in their development. We know that not everyone is going to feel that connection, and that’s not only ok – but expected! It’s not like reading something and thinking, “I like the thought of that, I’ll believe that!”, it’s feeling the energy inside of you buzzing, it’s seeing outer world visions you never noticed before, it’s noticing synchronistic signs all around you, it’s hearing your intuition guide you louder and louder, it’s noticing when things get harder when you veer off the path you know you should be taking… it’s listening and observing and noticing how perfect the world already is. It’s such a beautiful thing. And even if after all that evidence that what you’re feeling has truth to it, even if it isn’t true in the end and it’s just our imagination (which is actually a big part of connecting)… but say this life isn’t the smoke and mirrors, but rather the spirituality is – then what is wrong with that? If thinking the universe has your back helps you go for what you deserve and live the life you’re meant to – then what is wrong with that? If we die and that’s it without the everlasting consciousness we believe to be apart of – then what was wrong with us living our best lives and feeling connected to something bigger while we’re here? If it makes you happy that’s all that will ever matter in this world. Just be the most joyful version of yourself. So that you love life. Who can disagree with that?

Life Revamp on this Full Moon 

The last moon cycle brought up so much within me about how I want my life to look and what I need to change. I have so many thoughts swimming in my mind that I don’t have clarity on any of them and I thought I’d use this space to itemize each area of my life and learn where change needs to be met.


– I must only follow my passions and intuition in the pursuit of any money making plans

– I must let go of money blocks

– I must let go of any self doubt or less-than beliefs


– I must be open to it and see it in my life daily

– I must let go of any inhibitions or insecurities

– I must give my husband all my love  and savour his in return


– I must let go of any notion that the pain I have suffered is pain that must stay with me for life

– I must focus my attention on my physical fitness and longevity

– I must eat food that treats me well and avoid all allergens

– I must drink so much more

– I must lean on yoga for physical and spiritual wellbeing

– I must run in the woods for physical and spiritual enlightenment

– I must not let my fatigue and pain get the better of me and allow my ego to control my mood


– let go of control

– let go of fear

– let go of pride

– let go of resentment

– let go of pain

– let go of self pity

– let go of past stories

– let go of defences

– let go of judgement

– let go of insecurity

– let go of anxiety


– meditate daily

– run/hike in the woods daily

– yoga daily

– stay mindful

– stay positive

– stay protected of outside energy

– always walk through life knowing that I am love. I am the Universe. There is never anything to fear. 

– open my heart and soul to the Universe and all that is. 


– always lead with love

– always stay true to my passions

– always savour my relationships

– always know that I have all I need

– always ask the Universe for help

– always let go and trust everything is always as it should be

– always find the fun in every aspect of life

More Life Lessons from the Eclipse

I feel so blessed by everything that has happened to me in the past month. I have the thirst to know myself in ways I wouldn’t allow myself to do in the past because my ego had convinced me that she was the real me.

I had another dream about my ego 2 nights ago. She was another version of me, dressed in all punk of course and very intimidating and intense. When I had decided to break free from her I was hiding with friends and trying to keep away for fear of what she might do to me. Like the reaction of an abusive partner who is realizing they’re losing control. She found me in my room, hiding under my covers from her. She jumped on top of me swearing and yelling at me but never actually physically hurting me. I remember thinking, she’s all smoke and mirrors, she can’t actually do a damn thing to me. Just let her blow off steam and she’ll get over it. 

Then I woke up.

I have identified with my ego so exclusively in the first half of my life. And while I understood that the ego wasn’t me, I didn’t fully have that aha moment to help me see myself externally and how I am allowing my ego to affect my relationships.

Suddenly, when I reflect on my life I realized that I am to blame for most tention in my parterships, and the sad thing was that I always placed the blame on the other person. 

My 19 year old self; “he won’t let me go dance with other guys! He’s holding me back!!”

What???? Was I for real??? 

My 30 year old self; “he’s constantly telling me what to do and yelling at me!” 

Well maybe if I didn’t have a history of letting him do most of the day to day tasks around the house, he wouldn’t feel so resentful about it! 

It’s like, if something didn’t feel good to me, I would whine like a child as if the external people around me were responsible for inflicting the misfortune upon me…but the fact is that you don’t dance with other guys because you’re loyal to your partner, and you pick up the slack around the house because you and your partner are a team. 

And so, I’m not saying that my ex wasn’t intense, or that my husband isn’t either. And I’m not saying that they couldn’t have handled their part of the situation better. And there is a lot about my husband that has come to light this month too that we want to work through…

But gone are the days where I make him feel badly because I’m tired, or because the baby was difficult, or because things still need to be done, or because I’m overwhelmed. 

This next phase in my life, I want to acquire tools to help me cope with that overwhelm and not let it get the better of me. To not Project that on my husband as if it’s his fault, and to know that there is always a better way to view my circumstance. 

I did an energy healing session a few months ago, and the emotion that he pulled from me was self-pity. And he was right… poor me! Why??

I know that all of the lack that I’ve felt will disappear as I lean into love rather than pain, and as I dismiss my ego’s sense of self righteousness; as if feeling anything but love is warranted. 

A Dream: Overcome by Ego

Last night I had the most literal dream about the burden my ego has weighed on me. 

I was in a very creepy house, but the house was really my subconscious, and I was trying so desperately to not allow my fear of this space to overtake me. 

I sat in the darkness and I closed my eyes to meditate. “Let my ego vanish away”, I thought. “Be nothing but love”. I had freed my mind. All I could “see” was nothingness under my eyelids and I knew I wasn’t “thinking” anything… but yet the veil of my ego was still present. It was all encompassing and I couldn’t seem to actually make it disappear.

The heavy weight of it made me claustrophobic to the point that panic began to set in ten fold. I shot open my eyes and ran down the dark hallway towards the front door. Pulling at the handle hysterically, unable to open the door. My wrists felt like jello.

Finally, somehow, the door opened. I ran out into the night and looked back at this black, dark house, with the darkest, blackest entry way.

I was free. And I woke up.

Transformed and Waking up

This moon cycle was warned to be powerful; What with the double eclipses, the lions gate, and mercury retograde? The cosmos have opened up in a way to help us up level our spiritual awakening and to truly create the lives we are meant to live.

I literally left my husband on the new moon. We had been doing great and suddenly all of our old shit came rushing back and we couldn’t rise above it. It had over taken us and I was done with all of it. 

Since then has been a whirlwind of self righteously declaring that I am not meant to be with him and that I’m meant to live my spiritual path unbound by our dramas and egocentric crap. I’m meant to be free.

Then my head would be turned by him, reminding me that it’s not all egocentric crap and there is a lot of good, and giving, and cheerleading, and partnership between us that in my fury I was unable to see. 

Then whipping my head again the other way, when the smallest seed sent me spiralling back into the questions and the uncertainty. Back to the fury. Back to the drama once again.

This weekend was the final and decided turning point in my growth and my marriage. You see, for the first time as my husband recalled MY unbecoming moments, and how those reactions can spark HIS unbecoming reactions, I realized that I am not quite the innocent bystander in all of this drama as I’d like the think.

I realized that while we legitimately had a rough start to our relationship several years ago, we’ve both held on to those issues as if they are still very much a part of our reality now. We’ll bring up topics or frustrations that aren’t still happening, sparking the other party into a defensive fury and perpetuating more of the past issues to arise in the here and now. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Bring up past issues as if they’re happening now, and I can assure you, they will happen now. 

And suddenly it all became clear. All of this had to happen. We needed the world to come out from under us to experience the breakthroughs we’re feeling now. We needed to see how the past had been covering our world like a warm, heavy blanket, that just can’t seem to shake off. We may have ignored the past for periods, having great months at a time, but if we couldn’t see the full picture of this burden, we could never let it go properly. 

When I think of my ex, it is easy to consider my life with him as my past. But I have been with my husband for almost 10 years. And while he is the same guy physically, the 25 year old hippie that I first met is not the same person I am with today. As the years go on, you must let go of things you don’t identify with anymore or nothing can ever truly change. 

In this past year I have really grown spiritually. I have felt the spiritual love radiate within me in ways I didn’t know could ever be possible. I have received incredible clarity on the purpose of our life here on earth, and the goodness that we are meant to spread among everyone we meet. I know we are all connected. I know that the more mindful we are in our moments, the more intensely we will feel the value in each of those moments. I know that being grateful and awe inspired by every second is the natural way of someone who is living their soul identity. I know that the ego is merely a distraction from our truth. And I know that it can’t serve us. 

And yet, while I knew all of this… without even realizing it, I had been still wearing my heavy cloak of a past like a security blanket. I would yell and scream and temper tantrum that the issue was always his to fix, never mine! 

But suddenly the lights are on. I needed to feel the depth of pain and anger this month in order to truly SEE myself. 

I couldn’t fully live my truth, and love with all my heart unless this burden could be shed. I couldn’t ascend higher spiritually, or connect more clearly to my higher self unless this burden could be shed. And I couldn’t attract all that is meant for me during this life unless this burden could be shed. 

And so begins the next chapter of my self discovery and my awe inspiring life. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Love is always the answer.

I had some major breakthroughs today. 

First, I read a fellow lightworker’s story about how she came to discover her awakening and the lessons she had to learn in life before she got there.

It made me start to question my own story. I know what sparked my awakening in the past year, but how do my major life choices in the past 10 years play into all that?

I came to realize something that was a big shift in mindset for me. I had always felt that if you give in to the ego then you are not truly following your path. I would sometimes look back on my life and wonder how things would play out if I had gone the other route that my soul knew I was meant to follow. But today I came to realize that there are no mistakes. I followed my ego brain because I needed to learn from that experience. I needed to feel and live the pain that I did, and feel all extremes of where my emotions could take me, so that I could truly appreciate and love the true essence of me.

In the past decade I had often questioned my choices surrounding my ex boyfriend and the “why” of how things played out. What lessons was I meant to learn? Were there any lessons at all or did I just make bad decisions? I believe that meeting him was the beginning of my souls journey and now that I am enlightened the clarity is so apperent.

When I met my first boyfriend I was pulled into a whirlwind of love. He showed me how intensely I could love and how much of it is inside of me. I honestly had no idea. The enormity of it was beyond my wildest imagination and at times it was almost too much to bare. It was scary. I had lost myself in the tornado and didn’t know how to get back to the normalcy I once knew. My ego brain began to intervene. It needed to protect my heart from being broken. It needed to bring me to safe ground again. It felt that if I made the choice to move on that I would save myself from the heartbreak that I might feel if he had been the one to leave me. It was wrong. 

And so began the longest depression I hope I’ll ever face. The opposite side of love. Grief in the depths of despair.

I don’t know if I was always meant to leave, or if there is an alternate universe where I didn’t and where my soul learned all the lessons I was meant to without that ending, but I truly believe now that I was always supposed to leave because I can’t see how I would have this clarity now without my ego taking over back then. 

The heartbreak that came from that seperation filtered into everything I did. The watered down version of my life was purely a subject of my not allowing myself to fully live, as if there was no more opportunity for magic in my life after that loss. My photography passion never reached great heights, my friendships never escalated, my opinion of myself and what I deserved became more and more sabataged. Even my husband had never truly seen the amount of love that he deserved from me because I had buried it deep within myself, unable to break free.

Fast forward to my daughter being born and having that part of me reawakened in a way I never thought possible again. She ignited my determination to reconnect with my soul and as my spiritual awakening had evolved from there I’ve come to learn that I AM pure love. Well, we all are of course! But I know this is why I’m here. I’m here to love and be loved. I’m here to show the world that love is everywhere and to always focus on it and embrace it. 

Since embracing my truth, my passion for using photography as a tool to help us be more mindful is overwhelming! My passion for my husband is exciting and the change in him is equally surprising! My passion for my daughter and our family is like a long hug from an old friend. And my passion for my friendships has changed the dynamic that I have with every one of them in such a rewarding way. I know I deserve all the riches in my life and I can truly see them and savour them in a way I never could before.

If you look at the big picture of our soul’s decision to come to earth and learn a thing or two; I believe that mine wanted to know the full range of emotion that I could possess. My soul wanted to know how high I could love, and how low I could despair. I wanted to learn all of this so that I could see how important love is in our lives on earth and how lucky we are to feel it in such remarkable quantities, in such extraordinarily different ways for everyone and everything around us. If I didn’t feel the polar opposite of that, I would never feel a pull to gently save people from their dulled lives because I wouldn’t realize that living in such a muted way was even possible. We are only as smart as our perceptions.

I needed to experience my ex for these very important life lessons:

1. Always love like there is no such thing as a broken heart. 

2. Always know that your love comes from within YOU! So even if the person who sparked it within you is gone, your love will never leave you. 

3. When you miss that person, what you really miss is the love you felt. You miss yourself! When you realize that you have never left and neither has your love – since you are love – then you realize there is nothing you need to miss at all. It’s all right here. 

3. The capacity of love within me can be as enormous as I yearn to embrace.

4. I have a duty to love as brightly as the sun, and to help people realize that when their ego is ignored and they are mindful, their love will shine too!

I’m so grateful for everything I had to experience to get me to this point in my life. I can feel the tingle in my whole body with a sense of purpose and pure joy. What an incredible privilege I have to spread the message of love wherever I go!